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4.6 ( 9136 ratings )
Produktivitet Näringsliv
Utvecklare: Fabrizio Boco
3.99 USD

Cheap boards based on the Texas Instruments ADS-1256, a very low noise 24-bit ADC, are provided by many sellers.
This boards can be easily integrated into any project, but they can also be used as 4 channels voltmeter to integrate the lab measurement instruments.
Working on complex projects having an additional instrument with a good precision may be extremely helpful.
GUI-1256 is an iOS and macOS application which transforms a simple ADS1256 board in an additional lab instrument, Bluetooth BLE enabled.
GUI-1256 main features are:
• 4 Differential voltage measurements. Without any additional components the ADS1256 can read 4 voltages of +/- 3V max.
• Bluetooth connection to the measurement device, allowing to get remote measurements
• Enabling and disabling any of the 4 available channels
• Optional synthesize voice which reads the measurements, allowing to get measurements without looking at the iOS or macOS device
• Shifting and scaling. Each of the 4 measurement channels can be independently scaled and shifted
• Mathematical Expressions. The measurements can used in mathematical expressions to get other quantities. For example, a temperature sensor voltage can be read, and an expression can be used to directly transform the voltage into the temperature
• Graphs (iOS 16 or greater only). Each of the 4 channels and the expressions can be shown as graphs.
• Two points calibration to get even more precise measurements
• Firmware Over The Air Update. The firmware can be update or upgraded directly from the application. First installation requires Arduino IDE and some additional software components available for free